About Us

As a young girl, I loved baking and took a few cake decorating classes. My family was gracious enough to let me make cakes for their birthdays & anniversaries. (Bless their hearts for encouraging 12 year old me and making me feel so accomplished!)
Fast forward to 6 or 7 years ago when my friend asked me to make cupcakes for her son's birthday party. I was so honored and after that party I got a call from a mom saying that her son attended that party and he would love those same cupcakes at HIS upcoming birthday party. Next it was a baby shower and then a wedding request...suddenly I realized I was baking for people that I didn't personally know.
I studied and attained my personal food service certification and soon after, we got our kitchen certified. Pretty soon Tara's Treats was born.
I worked hard to develop even better cupcake recipes and also use some tried and true family recipes. At the same time I would take orders for small cakes, cake pops, cookies & anything else that came in. I had such a love for french macarons and one day tried making them. After about 3 literal months of trials (& SO MANY failed attempts/lots of cracked mac shells as after-school-snacks for the children), I found the perfect recipe!
It's been so important to me to keep our family first and business second. It sounds easy to do right? On the contrary, I found balance very challenging as the hobby grew into a business. (A business that I never saw coming).
I just love being in our humble home kitchen whipping up beautiful and delicious treats for customers, most who quickly become friends. I always say (because I used to hear it from my mom) that if you're going to eat it, it should be worth the calories. Everything that comes from our kitchen is something that I would serve my own precious family. Only real butter, sugar & flours are used in my baking. I believe you should value and care for your body by only eating real food.
I say "us" because my husband is very involved in the business. He is gifted in everything that I am not and I'm so grateful for his input and encouragement in our business. I'm the baker, he's the book keeper. God is so gracious to have given me him 16 years ago!